Deja Vu Bar Saigon singers on stage - Designed and Built by BM International Group

It Was Just Like DeJa Vu

DeJa Vu bar and BM International Groups Constuction Division worked together to deliver an amazing bar experience. Deja Vu wanted to ensure it offered a strong entrance and passion in the bar and mixology industry by priding themselves on delivering a first-class service that tailors the bar and menus to meet the requirements of even the most astute individual client.

And just like its name, and like clockwork or ‘Deja Vu’ BM International stepped up and delivered this full design and build project within time…of just 2 months in time for their grand opening night below

Deja Vu Bar had known what they wanted, they wanted a simple yet innovative idea of pairing classic crafted beer and wine styles with the amazing flavours of Vietnam and needed a venue suitable to showcase it.

They also wanted a cool ambience and a place to stage live bands for their clientele to enjoy one of the many sumptuous beverages they have on offer of which they will host a number of different nights and performances.

All in all a beautiful place to eat and drink and listen to some live music. Get down to visit them and enjoy a night with friends or a loved one, you can find them here:

Lầu 8, 9 Nguyễn Trãi, phường Bến Thành, quận 1, TPHCM
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

If you are thinking of opening up a new F&B establishment here in Vietnam or the US, don’t hesitate to contact our construction team and we can talk through your project and how we can bring it to reality!